Forbes’ recent prediction that LinkedIn will achieve 100,000 corporate customers – underpinned by convincing results – confirms its heavyweight influence on global recruitment. More than doubling its number of corporate customers over the past two years, a recent Jobvite survey also revealed that around 73% of recruiters plan on using LinkedIn more to source talent. Is your LinkedIn profile ready to leverage these growing career opportunities?
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” (Mark Twain)
A strategically written, keyword-optimised LinkedIn profile doesn’t just help job seekers – it can also open doors to other professional prospects that may never have been contemplated. Skyrocketing towards 400 million members including three million companies across 200 countries, a functional and engaging LinkedIn profile will build your brand presence both locally and globally.
“An increasing number of companies is using social media for talent solutions, according to the 2014 Social Recruiting Survey, Jobvite.” (Forbes)
Haven’t yet taken full advantage of LinkedIn’s professional prospects? Here are a few pointers to get you on your way to adequately promoting yourself via your LinkedIn profile.
Top up your LinkedIn profile: Completing as many LinkedIn sections as you can in your profile will enhance your presence and increase connections, via both higher search rankings and a wider variety of alumni. For instance, don’t hesitate to include personal interests (within reason) and past volunteer work, which may attract other like-minded members’ attention.
Use LinkedIn’s automated categories: Whether adding a couple of skills or a previous employer, always try to use the dropdown categories suggested by LinkedIn. This will keep your profile terminology in synch with other members, and will also escalate your search rankings.
Keep your LinkedIn profile personal but professional: The general expectation of online marketing content is that it’ll be written in a conversational tone that not only better enables scan reading but also conveys a human side to the electronic message. While it’s essential that you remain professional, keep in mind that your LinkedIn profile is another online marketing tool, as I discussed in a previous blog.
Here at Walton’s Words we’re accustomed to bringing out the best in people’s and business’s LinkedIn profiles. We’ll confidentially collaborate with you to ensure your LinkedIn representation accurately reflects you and your professional goals. Just drop us a line or give us a call if you’d like to discuss your LinkedIn profile further. It’s a global recruitment and networking channel that’s soaring in popularity.